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This website only uses cookies to make the site function correctly and improve its user friendliness. These types of cookies have no impact on your privacy. They fall under the exception of the cookie provision in the Dutch Telecommunications Act. We therefore do not ask visitors for permission to place them.

On mycoa.nl you will find the following types of cookies

  • Necessary: these cookies are required for essential parts of this site to function properly.
  • Statistics: we use cookies to store some anonymous user data for tracking visitor statistics. We do this to understand how visitors use the website so that we can improve it. For example, by supplementing information or enhancing usability. 
    We collect this data using the open-source tool Piwik. The cookies we use cannot be used to recognise visitors on other websites. The data obtained is stored on the server of the Dutch government. It is expressly not shared with third parties.

Cookies from other parties

You may have consented to the placement of cookies by other parties such as YouTube and Vimeo on this website in order to view a video. If you want to delete those cookies, open the menu and click Reset cookies.